Hazikukusudiwa used as the common beverage or alcohol!Around this drink
(RED BULL) is sold as something to bring a smko (Energizer Drink) and broadcast
it mention his qualities as follows. "We drink the source of strength to endure and focused.He gives a practical speed "and so on.
RED BULL sector are in 100 countries at once (a poor country!). And its advertising targeting young people and children, especially athletes.These are easy to support this drink wrong and hurt future health. In his state of the current use of this drink was discovered by German Dietrich Mateschitz who encounter in Hong Kong being one of the drugs used in the manufacture of dental medicine toothbrush.
The drug was developed for chemicals that contain caffeine and taurine ( "caffeine and" taurine).
The young German saw there were ignorant of or supporting its consumption saw a loophole to do business and successfully brought Europe. EFFECTS OF DRINKING RED BULL drink under development and distributed today detailed harsh chemicals called "Glucuronolactone", dangerous chemicals, which was developed by the department of the US military during the war and Vietnam for calming disturbances of thought of his soldiers marked by massacres were they did in Vietnam.
Because of the serious consequences of this drink FRANCE and DENMARK countries have banned the drink and baptize the name of "confusion mortal". In these countries, the survey found that US soldiers who used a drink of
chemical "GLUCURONOLACTONE" they end up getting side effects of headaches, encephalitis and even liver disease (Migraines, cerebral tumors and liver diseases).
And because the Americans leave they give the soldiers a drink in the sixties and seventies. Surprisingly, the RED BULL be labeled clearly shows that this syrup is made with dangerous chemicals "GLUCURONOLACTONE"! It is for this reason governments they zikapiga Denmark and France banned the consumption of RED BULL. With suppliers of RED BULL make it clear that in him that no dangerous chemicals "GLUCURONOLACTONE" label RED BULL ilezi the serious consequences caused by the same chemicals.
The effects which were not observed for the drinker is as follows:
1. It is dangerous for a person who does not work or exercise too heavy to use it as extensive a tendency to increase blood pressure and accelerate the heart rate so much so that the user may suffer from heart disease.
2. User can suffer brain bleeding disorders because RED BULL contains a chemical blood zinazoifanya be thin to get the heart pumping more blood without using excessive force.
3. It is dangerous to mix RED BULL with alcohol of any kind because it is the mixture is formed ( "Deadly Bomb") that affects the liver, muscle and leaving the user in a manner that never I shall be whole.
4. RED BULL has abundant vitamin B12, vitamin which is used as a medicine to terminally ill create global awareness. Use of this vitamin in adults has the effect of bringing high blood pressure and makes a person feel like a drunk.
5. Drinking RED BULL regularly disrupts the nervous system and causes neurological disease renders incurable mental stress.
RED BULL is drink RISK SANA that there has banned in all developing countries because it is definitely prepared and distributed to affect the health of vulnerable citizens of these poor countries. Since many of these countries consume alcohol every form is clear that this drink wetu- aims to eliminate people are denied that AIDS was developed by our detractors the insufficient!
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